Monday, September 29, 2014

Rant ant nt t

I got told the other day that one of my good friends used to avoid hanging out with me because "I was always too happy." And now I'm kind of sad-laughing at that because I'm not always happy and I also can't believe that I ever called him a friend. So here is a list of things that I don't like because apparently my happiness is annoying to the general population.

  • Pumpkin spice lattes. They taste like shit. Sorry.
  • Cute relationships. Mostly because I'm bitter and I'm still trying to convince myself that single life is better, but I guess I don't know anything other than single.
  • Disrespect for religion. I don't care if you don't agree with my views, I'll respect you and what you believe if you respect me.
  • Ugg boots. I could buy 5 pairs of shoes for the price of one pair of ugg boots and that is absolutely outrageous.
  • People who wear fake glasses.
  • Bad drivers. 
  • The kids taking AP Calc that keep complaining about it. I'd give anything to have Mr. Smith as my math teacher again.
  • The fact that I can't keep my own secrets. My life is an open book and I'm starting to realize that fake friends are everywhere, not just behind my back.
  • How ungrateful I am.
  • Ceramics. 
  • Feeling inadequate. It happens way more often than it should.
  • Texting. I'd rather hear you laugh out loud than get "lol" in a text message.
  • Telling people how I feel. I think I feel too much.
  • The commons. I don't fit in there and I never will.
  • Crying. 
  • Babysitting. I get that girls are supposed to like it and all, but I don't.
  • Lipgloss.
  • Being anonymous. I feel too safe behind this mask and my face will sting when I finally have to take it off.
  • Tattletales. I just want to sneak out and do hoodrat stuff with my friends. Stop making it a big deal.
  • People who get cheated on and don't have enough respect for themselves to end the relationship.
  • Love. It's not real. And I hope, someday, that someone proves me wrong.


  1. Simply amazing. Nothing is wrong with being to happy. Don't ever change because other people don't like who you are. Because somebody does love that your happy all the time ;) Great post!

  2. #same
    This is so good. And fantastically relatable. Love this post.

  3. "I don't care if you don't agree with my views, I'll respect you and what you believe if you respect me."


  4. *snap snap snap* this is perfect. And I want to steal the whole post and put it in my journal.

  5. me reading this list: same. same. same. OMG SAME.

    especially bad drivers, feeling inadequate, and the kids who complain about calc with mr. smith. I miss him.

    thanks for writing this, we should hang out.

  6. this was all really good(: "Texting. I'd rather hear you laugh out loud than get "lol" in a text message." every time we text
