Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mediocrity is pretty

In elementary school I was the smart one. I knew way more math than the average sixth grader because I grew up with my dad telling me I was his "little genius" and I liked that so I ran with it.
I did everything I could to live up to who he thought I was.

I won a contest in second grade for handwriting. Who cares about handwriting? You would be lucky if you could read my scribbles now. High school doesn't care so why should I?

I won the spelling bee in middle school. That was probably the highlight of my life and isn't that a disappointment?

I won math competitions that I would do on Saturdays. But those trophies are hidden in my closet collecting dust behind the sports ribbons that people actually care about. 

People didn't care that I was smart. I was a little chubby and had braces and didn't know how to do my hair and that's how people saw me.

No one likes the smart kid. 

So I stopped being the smart kid. On the second day of Junior year I decided to call it quits. I dropped all my hard classes. I took normal ones with my friends because friends are more important than what college I end up at, right?

No one knew me as the smart math girl anymore and my dad moved out when I was in 8th grade and took his "little genius" with him.

So I guess that leaves me:

Mediocre at best.

And no one remembers mediocre.


  1. Thanks for putting into words what I couldn't.

  2. we are reading blogs in class and i had to hastily wipe my eyes so that no one would see that this post just made me cry.

  3. "Popularity is for mediocre people" love this

  4. Oh the things we do for popularity when in reality we won't see but a fraction of out high school peers once we leave.

    Get back in those classes.

    Liked this a lot.

  5. "I won the spelling bee in middle school. That was probably the highlight of my life and isn't that a disappointment?"

    Oh I can relate to this so much.

  6. Your posts keep impressing me, so I just keep reading them.
