Sunday, October 26, 2014

the chains that keep me here

I fear birthdays. I cry every year.

I fear that I'll never get married. I don't possess the strength to trust someone that much. 
He could leave me.
He could find someone better.
He could see me the way I see myself.
I know he'd walk away if he saw that.

I fear that if I died today, no one would know what to say at my funeral.
That no one would care.
That no one would cry.

I fear that I'll settle. That I'll sell myself short. That I'll never reach my potential.

I fear motorcycles. I replay that day in my mind all the time and flying through the air isn't as fun when you don't know if you'll be awake when you hit the ground. 
I fear pavement that isn't so forgiving.

I fear every text you send and every call that I ignore.
I fear what you'd have to say if I picked up.

I fear what your mom thinks of me and how I can never form a coherent sentence when she asks about my plans.

I fear that I don't have plans yet.

I fear what goes on when I close my eyes because my first instinct is always to flinch. 

I fear death and I fear dying before I have a chance to live. High school is a coma that some people never wake up from. I fear that I'll be one of them.

I fear what your eyes will make me do. That I'll believe those apologies that only came because I called you out. 

I fear that my smile will never be real again. I fear that you can tell it's fake. 
And if you can, please don't tell anyone.
They can't know that I forgot what it was like to be happy.


  1. $tolen
    There were to many lines I quoted, but I loved this. Reading about your fears makes me feel less alone when surrounded by my own.

  2. "They can't know that I forgot what it was like to be happy."
    great line. great post.

  3. ^ love that line too. Beautiful this whole post.
    "I fear every text you send and every call that I ignore. I fear what you'd have to say if I picked up."
    Like same^

  4. Ugh I just want to quote so many lines at once. This was amazing I love it and I wish I knew a better way to compliment it.

  5. Stolen, stolen, stolen. "I fear that if I died today, no one would know what to say at my funeral"
