Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to be ok

1. Tell yourself that pain is temporary
2. Cry a whole freaking lot
3. Read your journal from 7th grade because all those problems you wrote about will seem insignificant now and it will make you laugh at how naive you were back then
4. Lay on the floor of your bedroom and stare at the ceiling
5. Simultaneously listen to sad songs because they said it better
6. Scream into a pillow. I know, it's cliche but it's necessary
7. Stay away from the fridge and pantry because you don't want to be sad and chubby
8. Mow the lawn as fast as the mower will go. This sounds really weird but I do it and it totally makes me feel better
9. Go workout. Something about sweat, man. It's better than tears
10. Take a shower and talk it over with yourself. No one else really cares about it as much as you do
11. Go on a drive
12. Pull over when the tears interfere with your ability to see the road
13. Turn off the music and stare at the sky. The sky is still there. The sky will be there tomorrow, but your problem can stay in today. Your problem doesn't have to exist tomorrow
14. Go to sleep
15. Make yourself look good and go back to the regular routine. I promise the numbness will stop eating at your fingers like frostbite eventually. Give yourself a little more time to warm up


  1. go to sleep

    same. except i wish it weren't so temporary.

  2. I couldn't decide which number to quote cause they were all so good. Love this.

  3. Read your journal from 7th grade because all those problems you wrote about will seem insignificant now and it will make you laugh at how naive you were back then.

    hahaha truth be spoken. nicely done

  4. Stolen. I like the lawnmowing part.
    and all the rest of it.

  5. "Go on a drive"
    Something about that makes it a cure-all.

  6. "your problem doesn't have to exist tomorrow"

    well put. Why let a problem stay?

  7. i hate to repeat what others say but this is in deed perfect

    I respect this post so much.
    You have summed up how to be okay perfectly.
    thank you

  9. yeah number 12. I like this a lot.

  10. just read this after a full on breakdown. thank you. this actually kind of made me feel okay.
