I guess it's time.
I've hidden behind a dark silhouette for long enough.A silhouette of a girl with a much better nose than me and I realize it's stupid, but I resent it.
And I hate goodbyes.
but this won't be one
because I'm not interested in doing things I don't like if I don't have to.
I'll be honest and say that before this year, writing wasn't my escape, but rather my prison.
And my only inspiration came from old, dusty books from the history section of the library because I was never inspired to write, I just needed an A.
So thank you, Nelson.
You showed me a Paris filled with laughter ending in tears, late nights filled with words that only ever made it to the drafts file, and a place that I never want to leave.
So I'm not leaving.
I'll stay here with my trust issues that stemmed from daddy issues, random music taste that ranges from hard core rap that swears every other word to country (why do people hate on country?), obnoxious laugh that seems to present itself in the most inappropriate of times, and my strange personality that usually sends boys running for the hills. (And I've never been much of a runner so I never chase after them.)
Here's to the first semester of my last year of high school.
Actually, here's to creative writing for showing me more of myself than a close-up mirror ever could.
Thanks for coming on this ride of self-discovery.
A ride that ended in Paris.
Emma Fruehan